Thursday, September 10, 2009

Launched my Photography Website!!

I launched my photography website today and I am just ecstatic about it! I have been so blessed with the support of my wonderful friends and family as Ive tried to establish my photography business. Thank you all so very much! Check out my new site!!


  1. Hi,

    I was in your Snapshots class and have checked in now and again to see what you're up to. Congratulations on the launch of your business!


  2. Hi Denne! I was a classmate in Karen's class. Was going through my feedlist today and thought I'd check on you.

    Wow! Sounds like some great things are happening in the Boring Family. New photography business (and website) as well as a new baby coming (from the ticker). I'm thrilled for you and confident of the success in your new business.


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