Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to our routine

Today Carlee started back at preschool after the holidays. As soon as we got there she said hi to the goats and then proceeded to start an activity. Daniel and I took down the Christmas tree and Haylee played in her new room she shares with Carlee. She really loves it in there!

I can't help but take pictures, of course! I am learning how to use actions on my photos in Photoshop. They are really fun and addicting. I am in awe of Karen Russell (karenrussell.typepad.com/). I would love to shoot like her. I want to save up enough to take a photography class of hers. 

Dan is taking off for his annual snowboarding trip soon, this year to Park City. So, Ill be busy!

The girls are down to bed, and Im going to talk Daniel into letting me take some pictures of him, I don't have any of just him. He's got such amazing eyes, and his adorable butt chin...I can't resist!


  1. Denne', I took Karen's photography class. It's the best class I've ever taken. She's truly an amazing person.

  2. Ok missy! I wanna see the pics of Daniel! hehe... I still can't get over that shot of Carlee's eyes. THey're sooooo pretty!!!


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